A Simple Car Cleaning Guide
by: Pete Lance
“It looks like new! I can’t believe that car’s seven years old!” Would you like to hear that from your friends? I’m sure all of us do, but keeping our car looking like the latest models is tough, even with today’s longer-lasting finishes.
However, if we adopt simple techniques such as cleaning out cars regularly and attending minor repairs immediately, the results can be remarkable.
Some car owners think rainwater is the only enemy to their car, but bird droppings, highway bugs, atmospheric pollution and road salt can also ruin the beauty of your car.
Many owners think fighting these ever-diligent adversaries is a daunting task, so they don’t usually bother, but truthfully, it’s easier than they think.
Step 1: Washing
First, spray water gently to thoroughly wet the surface of the vehicle. This light rinse helps to loosen the dirt on the vehicle. Then divide your car into five sections: the top, the hood, the trunk, the right side and the left side. Start from the top, move on to the hood and the trunk, and then concentrate on the right side and the left side. Washing should always be done very gentle such that the dirt will not scratch the body of your car. Re-wet and then rinse each section, finishing in the same order- top, hood, trunk and sides.
Step 2: Polishing
Polishing should only be done a small section at a time. Add an even coating of polish onto a towel, and then apply to the vehicle surface gently in small, even and circular motions. Start at the top and working your way down to the trunk and hood, finally ending with the sides. The polish should be allowed to sit on the paint surfaces for at least five to ten minutes. After this time, remove the residue with a different cotton towel by pressing firmly on the surfaces. The same procedure may be applied to all other four sections.
Step 3: Waxing
Use a soft and clean terry cloth towel to apply wax to a small section of the car. The application of wax to the car can be done similar to how polishing has been carried out. The only difference is you should wait until the wax has dried to a slight haze. If you’re really striving, repeat the whole process again, adding a second coat of wax to the vehicle.
And there you have it! You’ve removed the dirt and grime; polished away the small spots and scratches; and added another layer of protection to your vehicle’s finish. By now your car should glitter like it did the first day you got it. Don’t forget the last step – show off your car!
About the author:
Complements of http://www.USGasTracker.org Lowest Gas Prices. For any US zip code. Free daily email with locations and prices.
Monday, September 15, 2008
A Simple Car Cleaning Guide
Posted by Kelmok at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cleaning Guide
Sunday, July 13, 2008
10 Tips For Getting The Best Deal On A New or Used Car
10 Tips For Getting The Best Deal On A New or Used Car
by: George Dodge
1. You should purchase your new car at or around Christmas time because with everybody buying their Christmas presents, not many of them are looking to buy a new car, and it forces dealerships to up their sales strategies.
Salesmen are more willing to haggle down to your prices to close the deal.
2. You can also get a good deal from July to October because that is the time of year when dealerships are trying to get rid of their inventory to make way for the new models.
3. Purchasing a car online is becoming a great way to get a new car. Just wait for good rebates and incentives online and shop around.
Print out your information from the best quotes and bring it to the dealer that you are most willing to work with.
Bringing in lower quotes from another company might be your best bet in getting a good deal.
4. You should visit http://www.FightingChance.com if you are hoping to find new car prices, dealer incentives, and the best rebate offers.
This site is the first place that you should go for great advice on buying a car. It's even more informative than the Kelley Blue book. This program for buying new cars can literally save you thousands of dollars.
5. A good place to start when going into a dealership is to bring a copy of your credit score with you.
It can lower your interest rates on your car loan. Your car dealer should not know more about you than you do.
6. You can avoid a common scam that dealerships pull. You will often hear that your financing fell through and that you have to respond by paying more money on your loan.
Don't believe it. It's another reason for you to get a copy of your credit score.
7. Another common scam by dealership salesmen is for them to tell you that they have found you a lower rate, but that they want you to re-sign your loan papers.
Usually, that is a downright lie. Once they pull up your financing information, they have the upper hand if you don't know the details about your credit information.
You can get a copy of your credit information online at http://www.equifax.com for about $10-$15. It's better to pay $15 now than thousands later.
8. Don't bring in a car for trade in if you still owe money on it.
The dealership rarely pays the rest of the loan on time which will result in you having to pay a great deal of late fees to the bank.
If you do decide to bring a car in that you owe money on, get it in writing from the dealership that they will pay the balance on the car within 10 days.
9. Sometimes a dealership may not have all of your options and must order the car directly from the dealership.
If this happens they will often ask you to pay $500-$1000 for a deposit on the car.
Try not to pay more than $500 and be sure to pay with a credit card because sometimes the dealership will tell you that there was a price increase on the vehicle and will want more money.
If you pay with a credit card you have room to dispute the amount being taken from you. If you pay by check, you can just consider the money gone.
10. You should never buy a car when you are in desperate need for one because a dealer will see that and take advantage.
You should never wait until an old car is dead before searching for a new one because you should give yourself time to shop around for one and get the best deal possible. Desperation often clouds your judgment.
About the author:
George Dodge is the webmaster for 1st Choice Auto Parts that has been expanding to include all things related to automobiles, including, parts, accessories, apparal, books, posters, insurance, loans, and articles to name but a few. Additional articles can be found at Automotive Articles
Posted by Kelmok at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Best Deal
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Fuel Flu Epidemic Sweeping the Globe
Fuel Flu Epidemic Sweeping the Globe
by: Dee Scrip
Ravaging the globe in biblical proportions is the Fuel Flu epidemic. Early signs include depleted budgets, indecision whether to drive or eat for the day, incessant complaining, and fear of the future.
Transport industries such as trucking, shipping, etc., found a temporary solution to the Fuel Flu – pass the rising fuel costs down to us consumers of such necessities as food, clothing and shelter.
Government response is to lift current requirements on fuel, so lower grade fuel can be released. Hmmm….let me think here – lower grade fuel results in further Fuel Flu complications such as dirtier engines which ultimately create an even greater need for more fuel and maintenance in order to function at all. That remedy looks like a “Catch 22” for sure!
Intensifying Fuel Flu complications occurs when consumers opt to forego basic maintenance like having the oil changed regularly, replacing spark plugs, keeping the engine tuned, or properly inflating tires for 50¢ (every penny counts!).
STOP!!! Take a deep breath. Listen!
You are not helpless when it comes to the Fuel Flu epidemic. You don’t have to sell your firstborn in order to purchase a tank of fuel. You can be proactive simply by immunizing your truck, car, etc.
Let’s take a closer look at why we need to immunize against Fuel Flu in the first place.
All fuel, regardless of gas, bio-diesel, or diesel fuel, contains sulfur and water. Sulfur and water when combined form sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid damages your engine and when not burned off, leaves behind carbon deposits that attach to vital organs inside the engine, e.g., spark plugs, fuel injectors, valves, etc. They can even be forced into your oil.
Carbon deposits in your engine create a sluggish response, increased toxic emissions and less miles per gallon. So, the primary focus to immunize against Fuel Flu should be on how to eliminate and prevent carbon deposits from forming.
Now, don’t go running out and frantically buying “spot” treatments such as fuel injector cleaners, new spark plugs, or fuel conditioners -- that may even clog your engine further -- in a futile effort to immunize your vehicle. Let’s seek advice of a trusted expert, the Fuel Doctor.
The Fuel Doctor highly recommends a simple solution to immunize against the Fuel Flu. One small pill combines all individual treatments, covers all engine sizes, and can be used with gas, bio-diesel, and diesel fuel.
This small pill, the size of a penny, known as the UBiee PowerPill, will eliminate and prevent carbon deposits from forming in your engine. Just by simply popping a pill in your tank every time you fill up at the pump, you will experience increased fuel savings, decreased toxic emissions, decreased maintenance needs, and faster response, thus complete immunization against the Fuel Flu.
About the author:
Dee Scrip is a well known and respected published expert author of numerous articles on PowerPill Fe-3, Home Business, Business Opportunities, Fundraising, VoIP, VoIP Security, and other related VoIP issues.
Fuel Flu Immunizer
Posted by Kelmok at 8:18 PM 1 comments
Labels: Fuel Flu
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Extra Gas Mileage
Want Extra Gas Mileage? Get Your Own!
by: Sunny Tan
Yes you can! Increasing gas mileage of your car has never been easier; with all the gas saving products around to choose from, the fact is, you need none of them. This article will give you the background to start reaping the gas money you’ve been dreaming of…
Recent technology advancement in automotive industry has seen an upsurge in improving the fuel economy of our car engines and thus making them as efficient as they can be. Heavy investment has been poured in making the car engines as clean as possible, where exhaust emission is concerned, thus increasing the gas mileage capability of the car. This has created a new batch of vehicles with engines more fuel economical compared to engines of comparable size a decade or more ago.
We can’t deny that apart from the engines alone, electronics do play an important part on the quest to reach the best mileage cars available with better fuel economy. However, with the ever going onslaught of constant and increasing fuel hike, there’s no way that advances made in producing more engines with higher fuel efficiency may far exceeds with the increasing cost of gas.
Much budget and investment have been spent on research and development of better car engines with best fuel economy, which in the end may take years to recoup the cost of initial investment alone: let alone the vast manpower needed for these arduous tasks. Thus, where corners can be cut, manufacturers will, although it must be emphasized that this will not be done at the expense of the safety of the driver, passengers and other road-users.
But are there additions that may be fitted with vehicles to improve fuel economy and make them even more fuel-efficient?
Well, the good news is that there are loads and loads of gas saving devices in the open market and can help improve fuel mileage or increase gas mileage of your car and will work on your car like a charm, so to speak. These products claim to save money on gas and increase fuel efficiency of your car. But the bad news is, most of the so-called gas saving devices that purportedly claim to increase gas mileage of your car are nothing but are subject to advertising hype and thus are a waste of your time.
Hence, there are several ways you need learn to use when it comes to increasing fuel mileage of your car.
1) Electronic Ignition Systems
2) Fuel Catalysts
3) Free-Flow Air Filters
4) Tire Inflation
5) Other Products
Electronic Ignition Systems
This class of accessories really applies to the older vehicles that still run on the traditional contact breaker systems. Those who wish to keep vintage vehicles on the road will find that fitting a contact-less ignition system is the way to go.
Although it is not strictly a fuel-saving device, it ensures that the vehicle stays in tune and retains the fuel economy that a freshly-installed contact breaker system would provide. Minimal maintenance and consistent fuel economy result in increased gas mileage and fuel savings of your car.
Fuel Catalysts
Due to the recent increases in fuel prices, we’ve been getting a lot of response on this method. Suffice to say, fuel catalysts are elements you would put on your gas tank to speeds up the combustion process. This in the end will improve your car fuel efficiency and improve your gas mileage.
Some catalysts can simply be dropped into the fuel tank, while there are some that require to be installed somewhere along the fuel line, between the tank and engine.
A catalyst is a chemical, substance or compound that accelerates a chemical reaction. But it remains unchanged and is not used up during the process. When a catalyst is installed along the fuel system, it speeds up the combustion process, rendering it more complete, and allows for the complete release of energy from fuel combusted.
Installation is pretty straightforward and one-off affair. You’ll recover your initial investment spent on catalyst within a short period of time, from the increased gas mileage savings of your car. Catalysts may also be used for the entire life of the vehicle, and are transferable from one vehicle to another.
The more popular fuel catalysts are made of compounds of tin and other precious metals, but the actual formulation remains a commercial secret. They claim to promote smoother engine operation, cleaner exhaust emissions and can increase fuel mileage savings of up to 8%.
Free-Flow Air Filters
Grouped in the same category as the contactless ignition systems, free-flow air filters offer no gas mileage savings over a brand new item. Most filter elements are washable, and can be used over thousands of kilometers. After that, you may need to replace the air filter on regularly basis. According to the report on http://www.extragasmileage.com, studies have shown that replacing a clogged air filter can improve the mileage that you get with your car as much as 10%.
Tire Inflation
Oxygen in compressed air permeates through the wall of the tire, and inflation pressure is reduced over time. In the process, oxygen oxidizes the rubber compounds in the tire, causing under inflation and deteriorated rubber. Dry nitrogen will can prevent auto-ignition; it will not corrode rims, and can will help the tire to run cooler, resulting in longer tread life. So tire replacement costs go down.
Other Products
Fuel and lubricating oil additives claim to lower internal engine friction drag and improve combustion respectively. Some may work and some may fail considerably. It is important that the device fitted or the additive used does not destroy the catalytic converter. Neither it should void your new vehicle warranty.
At last, increasing your car gas mileage and doing every bit to save money on gas does not require rocket science to understand its importance. No doubt there are no products ever produced by man that could save you thousands of dollars in gas money, but every little penny you would save from every drop of gas goes a long way.
A little step each day will lead to success so you should really start now. Get all the tips and techniques and learn how to get extra mileage when you subscribe to ExtraGasMileage newsletters at http://www.extragasmileage.com. Good luck in your quest for extra gas mileage!
About the author:
Sunny Tan is a Car DIY enthusiast where he reveals his hardcore gas-money pulling secrets and tactics of increasing gas mileage at http://www.extragasmileage.com. He also writes monthly newsletters that dispels all the mysteries lurking under the hood of your car. Join now and get free auto DIY tips and tricks straight into your mailbox!
He is also the CEO of an Elearning company at http://www.elearning-avenue.com,where he provides excellant resources of many top-notch elearning programs available.
Posted by Kelmok at 12:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Extra Gas Mileage
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Auto Parts Wholesale
Auto Parts Wholesale Offers Better Services, More Exciting Deals, More Auto Parts for the Industry's Top Models
by: Joe Thompson
Good news to auto users, car enthusiasts, hobbyists, auto mechanics, and DIY customers! The most experienced team in the auto parts business, Auto Parts Wholesale is here to give you the best deals ever. You are guaranteed up to 110% lowest price. Apart from this, more auto parts, better online store and improved services are also waiting for you online!
Starting from small beginnings more than twenty years ago, Auto Parts Wholesale has now grown into a huge player in the car parts and auto body parts business. This Auto Parts Discount store is the country’s leading wholesale car parts supplier, best known for its superior quality auto parts and very low prices. Now as it is about to face a new and more challenging year in the auto industry, it refurbishes its site to give you more satisfaction than ever.
Over 1 million auto parts are in stock for any of your car part replacement and aftermarket auto parts needs. Now you can expect more choices from performance parts like wheels, shock absorbers and alternator to auto accessories like carpet, hubcaps, wheel covers, mirrors and tail lights. Thousands of premium class Pontiac parts, Saturn parts, Toyota parts, BMW parts, Dodge parts, Mercedes Benz parts and Volvo parts for the latest models are now available and you can easily locate and purchase them online.
Replacement, aftermarket auto parts and car accessories for older models can now be purchased online as well. This Auto Parts Discount store offers Toyota bumper, Toyota catalytic converter, Toyota tail lights and Toyota radiator for 1980 Toyota Corolla model. Even OEM-quality Ford door handles, Ford engine parts, Ford wheels and Ford floor mats for a 1975 Ford Mustang are readily available for your immediate need. Bringing to you the best from both worlds, Auto Parts Wholesale conveniently houses top caliber perfect fit auto parts for old and new models and for domestic and import cars alike.
Best of all, all items come in very low prices—in fact, the lowest prices you’d find online! Purchasing your auto parts from Auto Parts Wholesale is like buying the parts in wholesale. Having been in the business for so long now, this Auto Parts Discount store knows just what you need and want—and of course, what you deserve. From stylish Honda mirrors to tough and durable GMC headlights, dependable and hard-wearing Chevrolet doors, Auto Parts Wholesale got you covered.
The online store is designed to give you a seamless ordering experience. The parts are properly located under the vehicle make and vehicle year category so you are sure to get perfect-fit replacement auto parts, whatever your car model is. The online store is neatly designed to give you a hassle-free shopping experience. It has 100% secure site so you can be confident in placing your orders online. Should you need assistance, auto experts are standing by to help you.
As you browse through the site for top-notch auto parts like Mazda parts, GMC parts, Chevrolet parts, Nissan parts, Jeep parts, Volkswagen parts, Honda parts and Ford parts, you can also learn from its informative pages. Capitalizing on its passion to give you the most efficient services, the best quality automotive products, the most exciting deals and a wide array of choices, Auto Parts Wholesale continuously improves and grows with the ever-changing auto industry. Success requires good systems operations and organization, and Auto Parts Wholesale is proud to have both. Its passion for excellence created a bond with its past customers and has kept them loyal through the years—continuously relying on the company for all their car and truck part needs. Be one of them!
About the author:
Joe Thompson is the owner of a successful auto body shop in Ferndale, California. This 48 year old is also a prolific writer, contributing automotive related articles to various publications.
Posted by Kelmok at 6:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Parts Wholesale
Saturday, February 16, 2008
A Guide to U-Haul Trailer Hitches
A Guide to U-Haul Trailer Hitches
by: Elizabeth Morgan
U-Haul is best known for its rental trucks used to help people move, but they also sell trailer hitches and trailer hitch accessories. U-Haul makes trailer hitches that accommodate all kinds of vehicles, including many cars. Different models of U-Haul trailer hitches can haul up to 24,000 pounds. U-Haul makes and sells all needed trailer hitch parts, including hitch balls, ball mounts, receivers, and brake controllers.
U-Haul makes some small trailer hitches that can be secured onto cars. These hitches usually can’t be used to haul as much cargo as heavy-duty trailer hitches found on trucks, but they are still useful. Most car U-Haul trailer hitches can handle loads up to 2000 pounds. These hitches can be bolted onto the car’ frame, usually using preexisting holes. This is a better option than welding the hitch to the frame, which can cause electrical problems and can make the frame much weaker.
U-Haul trailer hitches are not just made for cars. U-Haul manufactures a wide range of trailer hitches to accommodate almost any kind of vehicle. Their heavy-duty hitches can bear loads of up to 24,000 pounds. U-Haul trailer hitches are among the strongest on the market and can come with a lifetime unlimited warranty for an extra five dollars.
U-Haul is a one-stop shop for all towing needs. U-Haul sells all necessary brake controls and electrical wiring needed to make the trailer hitch completely functional. The law requires that trailer hitches be equipped with working brake lights and brakes, so it is vital that consumers make sure they purchase this equipment.
U-Haul is one of the top trailer hitch dealers in the country. U-Haul sells quality trailer hitches and accessories at low prices. Their lifetime warranty is one of the most comprehensive in the industry.
About the author:
Trailer Hitches Info provides detailed information on motorcycle, U Haul, and gooseneck trailer hitches, as well as trailer hitch accessories like trailer hitch covers and bike racks, and advice on trailer hitch installation. Trailer Hitches Info is the sister site of Tire Chains Web.
Posted by Kelmok at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: U-Haul
Friday, February 15, 2008
5 Tips about BMW Accessories
5 Tips about BMW Accessories
by: Dan Ford
You have worked and worked and worked some more, you have saved and sacrificed. You finally have it, the BMW that you have always wanted. Now, you want, no need to make it more personal, more yours. Its time to accessorize. However, where do you begin? Follow these tips to find the right accessories for you and your car.
1- One of the best places to start your search for the right accessory is online. There are numerous stores and dealers that offer items from floor mats to graphics and everything in between. Online, you can see pictures, read reviews and get the chosen items shipped directly to your door. As an added bonus, many online stores either deeply discount the products or offer free shipping.
2- However, if you prefer, you can go into a BMW dealership and speak with someone personally to pick out the accessories that best suit your personality and price range. The dealership may also be able to help you by allowing you to see what the accessory will look like on your car before you purchase it, therefore avoiding making a costly mistake.
3- Some of the most popular accessories for BMW's are wheels, stereos and interior accessories such as steering wheels and gearshift covers. These particular types of after market items come in a variety of styles and prices, there is, literally something for everyone
4- Another excellent and often overlooked source of BMW accessories are car clubs, specifically BMW clubs. These types of clubs are full of other enthusiasts who are normally very happy to help you search for an accessory as they have the same interests in their cars as you do in yours. You can find these clubs via the internet, yellow pages or BMW car dealers.
5- After all the research and actual searching for accessories is complete, its time to install. For a lot of car buffs this part is more anticipated than actually seeing what the part looks like on. However, to ensure that you are installing the accessory correctly you are going to need instructions. Often times, the part itself comes with, at best, vague directions. It would be best to contact other BMW owners, either through a car club or via online forums and chat rooms. They will be your best source of actual how-to instructions to get your BMW outfitted and more suited to your personality. Have fun.
About the author:
Dan Ford has been writing about bmw parts online and offline for a long time. Visit http://bmw-parts-finder.infoor http://bmw-performance-parts.comto read more about matters like bmw engine parts and bmw exhaust parts.
Posted by Kelmok at 5:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: BMW Accessories
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Learn How To Properly Check Tire Pressure
Learn how to properly check tire pressure
by: Jakob Jelling
Tire pressure is one of the things a car needs to have checked most often. Ideally, you should check them once a month as well as any other time when they might look low. Also, if you are planning a long trip with your car, tire pressure is one of the main things you should check, along with a general checking.
The first thing you need in order to be able to check your car's tire pressure is a tire pressure gauge. You can acquire one at any car parts store or just use one in a gas station. All gas stations have one, but you should ask if it is functioning well before using it. Some of the gauges you might find in gas stations are old or damaged and therefore the information they would give you would be incorrect, which could even lead you to add more air to the tire than it should have. This way, it is important that you make sure the gauge you will use functions properly.
In order to be able to evaluate the pressure your tires have, you should learn how much pressure they should ideally have. You might easily learn this since your car's driver side doorjamb will probably have a sticker giving you some guidance related to the tires and their pressure.
Once you know which the proper pressure for your tires is, you are ready to check them. In order to do this, you must unscrew the caps on the tire air valve and press the tire pressure gauge against it. You should make sure you keep the tire pressure gauge as firmly against the tire valve as not to let air come out from it.
Once you have the tire pressure gauge connected with the tire valve, the gauge will immediately tell you what the tire pressure is. This will allow you to learn weather the tire needs more air or its air pressure is correct. If it needs more air, you should do it carefully in order not to pass its air limit. And, in case its air pressure is correct, you simply need to disconnect the air pressure gauge from it and screw the valve cap back in its place.
About the author:
Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.autorized.com Please visit his website to learn about auto maintenance, auto insurance, auto safety and much more!
Posted by Kelmok at 4:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Tire Pressure